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Technical relevance and social opposition to e-voting
Revista de Administración Pública (2012)
  • Fernando Barrientos del Monte, Universidad de Guanajuato
This paper makes an assessment of the technical and social motivations that drive some governments to promote and implement e-voting mechanisms. Success stories mentioned, especially those in Latin America, and contrasted with those cases where e-voting implementation has failed, as has happened in some European countries. Finally, the relationship between new technologies that promote e-voting and the nature of the elections as a part of democracy is analyzed. It could be argued that voting is not solely a technical exercise, it is an element that merges different political and social elements that e-voting promoters should not ignore.
  • e-voting,
  • new technologies,
  • Europe,
  • Latin America,
  • Democracy
Publication Date
July, 2012
Citation Information
Fernando Barrientos del Monte. "Technical relevance and social opposition to e-voting" Revista de Administración Pública Vol. XLVI (3) Iss. 126 (2012)
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