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A Short History of Mineral Processing
Proceedings XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, Istanbul (2006)
  • Fathi Habashi
Crushing and grinding of ores and their beneficiation by washing away gangue minerals has been practiced since ancient times. Primitive crushing was done by hand pounding the ore with a hard stone then by using metallic hammers. The mortar and pestle was mechanized using a lever and when the size of operations increased in the middle ages, the stamp mill was introduced. The grindstone played an important role in grinding of ores. Panning for gold and hand sorting of minerals were two old methods of separation, now gave way to modern techniques. Flotation started in the middle of the nineteenth century by using oils to collect the mineral particles and float them on the surface of the aqueous slurry. It was only in the 1920s when it was discovered that organic compounds were affective floating agents. Textbooks written by distinguished engineers such as Rittinger, Rickard, Pryor, Taggart, Richards, Gaudin, and others contributed to the recognition of this field as a new discipline to be taught in Universities
  • Mineral processing,
  • Crushing,
  • Grinding,
  • Flotation
Publication Date
September, 2006
Citation Information
Fathi Habashi. "A Short History of Mineral Processing" Proceedings XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, Istanbul Vol. 1 (2006)
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