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The Church's Bond with the Jewish People
Word on Worship (2012)
  • Reverend Lawrence E. Frizzell, D.Phil., Seton Hall University
This article examines the history and impact of the fourth paragraph, "The Church's Bond with the Jewish People," within the Second Vatican Council's Declaration Nostra Aetate, which was promulgated October 28, 1965.
  • Nostra Aetate,
  • Jewish people,
  • Catholic Church,
  • Second Vatican Council,
  • Vatican II,
  • Pope John XXIII,
  • Church’s Relationship to Non-Christian Religions,
  • In Our Time,
  • Church’s Bond with the Jewish People,
  • Oesterreicher,
  • covenant,
  • Romans 11,
  • Rom 11,
  • Mystical Body of Christ,
  • Pope Pius XII,
  • persecutions,
  • anti-Semitism,
  • anti-Jewish,
  • Catholics,
  • World Council of Churches,
  • Genesis 12,
  • Gen 12,
  • Genesis 17,
  • Gen 17,
  • Galatians 3,
  • Gal 3,
  • Jewish-Christian,
  • Christian-Jewish,
  • New Jersey,
  • Sacred Liturgy,
  • Romans 9,
  • Rom 9,
  • Exodus 4,
  • Ex 4,
  • Genesis 22,
  • Gen 22,
  • Joachim Prinz,
  • David Panitz,
  • Eli Pilchik,
  • Barry Friedman,
  • Gerald Meister,
  • Seton Hall University,
  • Asher Finkel,
  • John Gilchrist,
  • Jack Bemporad,
  • Center for Interreligious Understanding,
  • Rabbinic Committee for Interreligious Dialogue,
  • Catholic-Jewish,
  • Jewish-Catholic,
  • Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies
Publication Date
Citation Information
Lawrence E. Frizzell. "The Church's Bond with the Jewish People" Word on Worship 29.3 (2012): 22-24.
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