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Unpublished Paper
20th Anniversary of the Vatican Document on the Shoah (Holocaust)
  • Reverend Lawrence E. Frizzell, D. Phil, Seton Hall University
In light of the 20th anniversary of the Vatican document, “We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah” (March 16, 1998), the Rev. Dr. Lawrence Frizzell analyzes this and other related Church publications and presentations and reflects on what lessons have been learned over the past two decades and what challenges still lie ahead.
  • We remember,
  • reflection on the Shoah,
  • Nostra Aetate,
  • Judaism and Catholicism,
  • Jews and Catholics,
  • Jewish-Christian,
  • Jewish-Catholic,
  • reflection on the Holocaust,
  • Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews,
  • Pope Francis and the Holocaust,
  • Pope John Paul II and the Holocaust,
  • Anti-Judaism in the Christian Environment,
  • Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable
Publication Date
April 13, 2018
Citation Information
Lawrence E. Frizzell. "20th Anniversary of the Vatican Document on the Shoah (Holocaust)" (2018)
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