The paper contains the preliminary plan of the doctoral thesis made in 2008. It explains that the purpose of the project is to analyze the use of the law as a means to implement the sustainable policy on bio-fuels. The author will investigate and evaluate in what respect legal systems promote respectively restrain trade, production and use of bio-fuels in the transport sector, and how they balance the bio-fuel objective against other objectives important for the sustainable development (such as food production and biodiversity). The author will also identify efficient and less efficient legal constructions and discuss possibly successful legal strategies in promoting sustainable trade, production and use of bio-fuels. The scope of the topic is wide. It includes the EU level, the international level and the national level. It comprises regulations on trade, production and use of bio-fuels aimed as fuels for motor vehicles, as well as the analysis of the consequences which these regulations can have from the sustainable perspective. Following issues are going to be researched in the future doctoral thesis
- Sustainable production of biofuels,
- Directive 2009/28/EC,
- sustainability criteria