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Comparative Proteomics of Rubber Latex Revealed Multiple Protein Species of REF/SRPP Family Respond Diversely to Ethylene Stimulation among Different Rubber Tree Clones
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • Zheng Tong, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Dan Wang, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Yong Sun, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Qian Yang, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Xueru Meng, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Limin Wang, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
  • Weiqiang Feng, Hainan University
  • Ling Li, Iowa State University
  • Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Iowa State University
  • Xuchu Wang, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Rubber elongation factor (REF) and small rubber particle protein (SRPP) are two key factors for natural rubber biosynthesis. To further understand the roles of these proteins in rubber formation, six different genes for latex abundant REF or SRPP proteins, including REF138,175,258 and SRPP117,204,243, were characterized from Hevea brasiliensis Reyan (RY) 7-33-97. Sequence analysis showed that REFs have a variable and long N-terminal, whereas SRPPs have a variable and long C-terminal beyond the REF domain, and REF258 has a β subunit of ATPase in its N-terminal. Through two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), each REF/SRPP protein was separated into multiple protein spots on 2-DE gels, indicating they have multiple protein species. The abundance of REF/SRPP proteins was compared between ethylene and control treatments or among rubber tree clones with different levels of latex productivity by analyzing 2-DE gels. The total abundance of each REF/SRPP protein decreased or changed a little upon ethylene stimulation, whereas the abundance of multiple protein species of the same REF/SRPP changed diversely. Among the three rubber tree clones, the abundance of the protein species also differed significantly. Especially, two protein species of REF175 or REF258 were ethylene-responsive only in the high latex productivity clone RY 8-79 instead of in RY 7-33-97 and PR 107. Some individual protein species were positively related to ethylene stimulation and latex productivity. These results suggested that the specific protein species could be more important than others for rubber production and post-translational modifications might play important roles in rubber biosynthesis.


This article is published as Tong, Zheng, Dan Wang, Yong Sun, Qian Yang, Xueru Meng, Limin Wang, Weiqiang Feng, Ling Li, Eve Wurtele, and Xuchu Wang. "Comparative proteomics of rubber latex revealed multiple protein species of REF/SRPP family respond diversely to ethylene stimulation among different rubber tree clones." International journal of molecular sciences 18, no. 5 (2017): 958. doi: 10.3390/ijms18050958.

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Citation Information
Zheng Tong, Dan Wang, Yong Sun, Qian Yang, et al.. "Comparative Proteomics of Rubber Latex Revealed Multiple Protein Species of REF/SRPP Family Respond Diversely to Ethylene Stimulation among Different Rubber Tree Clones" International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vol. 18 Iss. 5 (2017) p. 958
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