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The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity [Review]
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Erwin F Cook, Trinity University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

The Returns of Odysseus will be essential reading for specialists in Homer, early Greek history, and ancient ethnology. They and others willing to expend the time and energy necessary to read this densely argued and worded book will win a perspective on Greek (pre)colonization and its mythology unavailable from any other source. I myself required a full week for a careful reading, after which I noted to my surprise that I had taken over 50 pages of notes, many of which now belong to my permanent files. If, in what follows, I concentrate on some illustrative problems with Malkin's (M.) use of archaic epic, it is in order to spare BMCR and its readers a commensurate review, and because I am counting on you to go out and buy a copy (you will want your own to mark up).

Bryn Mawr College
Citation Information
Cook, E. (2000). [Review of the book The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity, by I. Malkin]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2000(3), 22.