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Comparison Matrix and Venn Diagram: Making Comparisons in Flat Patternmaking.
International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference Proceedings
  • April Elisha Stanley, Iowa State University
  • Ellen McKinney, Iowa State University
PPD: Pedagogy and Professional Development

The innovative strategy was piloted in an existing flat patternmaking course. In the current curriculum, students do not utilize any formal comparison tools to compare patternmaking concepts, i.e. dart types, stylelines, and so on. To engage students in making patternmaking comparisons, students were introduced to the use of a comparison matrix and Venn diagram. These comparison tools would allow students to practice identifying and thinking critically about the similarities and differences of patternmaking concepts such as dart types and stylelines. An inventory of student responses was compiled by the instructor after the class period, which permitted further instructor evaluation of student comprehension and application of the patternmaking concepts. A student expressed, "It helped point out differences and similarities." Other students stated the tools were helpful as visual aids in understanding the characteristics of patternmaking concepts. The students were advised to keep the handouts for future reference.

Citation Information
April Elisha Stanley and Ellen McKinney. "Comparison Matrix and Venn Diagram: Making Comparisons in Flat Patternmaking." (2016)
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