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Wee Bonnie Garden: Design Strategies for a Multi-Generational Christening Gown
International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference Proceedings
  • April Elisha Stanley, Iowa State University
  • Ellen McKinney, Iowa State University
TD: Technical Design

Christening garments are worn by infants and have remained a form of religious apparel in current society. As a prior research project, the authors conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with American mothers to gain insight into recent traditions surrounding christening apparel. The findings revealed babies range widely in size at the age of christening and mothers like to re-use family gowns. Design strategies were developed for a more sustainable christening ensemble to accommodate a variety of infant sizes. Other key design considerations were a traditional appearance and ease of donning and doffing to allow the ensemble to be worn by various-sized infants of multi-generations. The final ensemble allowed adjustability in the gown, diaper cover, booties, and headband. Heirloom construction methods added quality and durability to the ensemble producing a design that will last for generations. Future implications include considerations for childrenswear apparel designers and the home sewing/patterning market.

Citation Information
April Elisha Stanley and Ellen McKinney. "Wee Bonnie Garden: Design Strategies for a Multi-Generational Christening Gown" (2016)
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