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Training the Superstar Associate: Teaching Workplace Professionalism in Legal Writing Courses
Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing (2014)
  • Elizabeth Shaver, The University Of Akron

This article details efforts to increase the professional workplace skills of law students by teaching professionalism skills in a first-year legal writing course. The article describes a series of videos that demonstrate how a new lawyer’s professional attributes and attitude can create either a positive or a negative impression on a supervising attorney. Nine “what not to do” videos highlight certain types of unprofessional behavior, much of which has been personally observed among students in first-year legal writing courses. The “what not to do” videos are juxtaposed with one “what to do” video that is designed to illuminate exemplary professionalism workplace skills. These videos are a highly effective (and entertaining) tool to make law students aware that their success on the job depends not only on the substance of their legal work but also their office demeanor and interpersonal skills.

  • Legal Writing,
  • legal research,
  • legal employer,
  • professionalism
Publication Date
Fall 2014
Citation Information
Elizabeth Shaver. "Training the Superstar Associate: Teaching Workplace Professionalism in Legal Writing Courses" Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing (2014)
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