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Getting Social in a Small Academic Library
PNLA Quarterly (2011)
  • Elizabeth Ramsey
Libraries of all shapes and sizes are being exhorted to take advantage of the outreach and promotion opportunities available to them for free through the use of social networking. However, to avoid the pitfalls of an unfocused or unsuccessful program most experts agree that you’ll need to first consider: why you want to use social networking, where in the wide, wide web you want to start building your community, who will be responsible for the content, what that content will be, and how the effectiveness of your social media efforts will be measured. This article will examine strategies advocated by business, marketing, and library professionals that may work for you as you develop your own social media program. You may notice that a number of the sources and citations have been updated since my presentation.
Publication Date
Fall 2011
Publisher Statement
This document was originally published by Pacific Northwest Library Association in PNLA Quarterly. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Citation Information
Elizabeth Ramsey. "Getting Social in a Small Academic Library" PNLA Quarterly Vol. 76 Iss. 1 (2011)
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