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Contribution to Book
Defining "Religion"
Religious Organizations in the United States: A Study of Legal Identity, Religious Freedom, and the Law (2005)
  • W Cole Durham
  • Elizabeth A. Clark
  • defining religion,
  • religion and law
Publication Date
James A. Serritella, et al.
Carolina Academic Press
Publisher Statement
This book examines the legal structures within which religious organizations conduct their activities. The legal structures of religious organizations encompass not only their corporate organizations, but the many ways employment, property ownership, decisions regarding forms of ministry, and participation in society define a particular institution. The authors, from a variety of practicing, religious, and scholarly backgrounds, provide a range of perspectives — both practical and theoretical — on these issues. The book fills a void in the current resources, providing a detailed description of policies, identity, and the effect of legal rules on church structures.
Citation Information
W Cole Durham and Elizabeth A. Sewell. "Defining "Religion"" Religious Organizations in the United States: A Study of Legal Identity, Religious Freedom, and the Law. Ed. James A. Serritella, et al.. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2005. 3-83.