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750 Years in the Life of a Pair of Cistercian Antiphonals
Pastoral Music (1996)
  • Elizabeth C Teviotdale
Examines the provenance and dissemination of a multivolume antiphonary produced for the Cistercian nunnery near Cambrai. The MS is presently dispersed through several collections. In 1983 the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, purchased from the German art collectors Peter and Irene Ludwig 19 leaves and four cuttings from the MS (MS Ludwig VI 5). In 1992, the Museum acquired an additional 81 leaves (MS 44). One leaf is kept at the Cleveland Museum of Art (inv. no. 85.83), and cuttings are at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm (B 1730-32) and in a private collection in Collegeville, Minnesota (Hill Monastic Manuscript Library). Some cuttings are presently known only from photographs taken when they were owned by a private English collector. The MS was produced in northeastern France in the second half of the 13th c. and possibly illuminated by lay artists who also worked on service books destined for Cambrai Cathedral and a house of Augustinian canons.
Publication Date
Winter 1996
Citation Information
Elizabeth C Teviotdale. "750 Years in the Life of a Pair of Cistercian Antiphonals" Pastoral Music Vol. 20 Iss. 2 (1996)
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