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Affiliate Survey: What Members and Non-Members Told Us
  • E. Long, Boise State University
  • R. Vance, Center for Lifetime Health
  • K. Young, Panhandle District Health Department
  • S. Renaldi, College of Southern Idaho
  • S. Linja, S&S Nutrition Network, Inc.
In order to implement our strategic plan, our board surveyed members (N¼350) and CDR-current non-members (N¼290). A survey draft was prepared, and board members reviewed the questions. Revisions were made for clarity and content. Comment questions were used to determine what would bring value to membership and what were the biggest challenges facing the profession. The survey was e-mailed in May 2019 with one follow-up. Sixtyone members (17.5%) and 34 non-members (11.7%) responded. For both members and non-members, important affiliate activities were annual meeting, networking, public policy and job posts; less important were Facebook/Twitter and serving on the board. Top reasons for attending the annual meeting were similar for both groups: continuing education and networking; although networking was less important for non-members. Both groups identified advocacy for the profession and continuing education as most important. Leadership development was rated as less important by both groups. An almost equal percentage of respondents in both groups responded that at this time they were not interested in becoming more involved (70.5% and 72.7%). A surprise response was the number of non-members indicating they respond to Action Alerts from the Academy. Eighteen members indicated that they were willing to volunteer for committees and board positions. Responses to the open-ended questions included annual meeting topics, webinars, reimbursement, marketing of the profession, concerns about competition, location of the annual meeting, and cost of membership. It is now our challenge to reach RDNs/DTRs in our state with programs and activities that bring value to membership.
Publication Date
October, 2019
Citation Information
E. Long, R. Vance, K. Young, S. Renaldi, et al.. "Affiliate Survey: What Members and Non-Members Told Us" (2019)
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