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Superfluids, Superconductors and Supersolids: Macroscopic Manifestations of the Microworld Laws
Interdisciplinary Communications (2008)
  • Egor Babaev, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
A superconductor is a state of matter in which electrons flow without. Resistance. A superfluid is a fluid devoid of viscosity. Superfluidity was first. Discovered in experiments on helium conducted by Petr Kapitsa in 1937.. The lack of viscosity is a phenomenon which is highly counterintuitive. From the point of view of the classical physics on which our intuition is. Based. This phenomenon has a quantum nature, i.e. it is related to the. Physics of the microworld, where particles are divided into two classes:. Bosons and fermions. One of the fundaAssistant Professor Egor Babaev. Number of particles ‘conspire’ to behave.
  • superfluids,
  • superconductors,
  • supersolids
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Egor Babaev. "Superfluids, Superconductors and Supersolids: Macroscopic Manifestations of the Microworld Laws" Interdisciplinary Communications (2008)
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