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Are we parent-friendly? Social Workers’ Views of Parents of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
Families in Society (2003)
  • Harriette C. Johnson, University of Connecticut
  • David E. Cournoyer, University of Connecticut
  • June Filri
  • Miriam Flynn
  • Andrea M. Grant
  • Maryanne A. Lant
  • Spero Parasco
  • Edward J. Stanek, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

A current model of family-centered practice emphasizes empowerment of parents, an approach that brings together a strengths perspective, a constructivist emphasis on consumer voices, and knowledge derived from neuroscience of the last two decades. This study explored the extent to which a national random sample of National Association of Social Workers members hold beliefs and attitudes congruent with the parent empowerment perspective. Two profiles emerged from the data. Respondents who disagree with statements attributing blame to parents agree with sharing information openly with parents; believe that parents are doing their best, are credible reporters, and are experts about their own children; agree that workers need research knowledge; and disagree that the child is usually the identified patient in a a dysfunctional family. By contrast, respondents who believe parents cause their children's emotional and behavioral problems disagree with open information sharing; disagree that parents are doing their best or are experts about their own children; agree that the child is an identified patient in a dysfunctional family; and agree that parents' ideas are important mostly to give the worker clues about family dynamics. The majority of the sample reported parent-friendly views, but a substantial minority of respondents reported beliefs antithetical to parent empowerment.

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Citation Information
Harriette C. Johnson, David E. Cournoyer, June Filri, Miriam Flynn, et al.. "Are we parent-friendly? Social Workers’ Views of Parents of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities" Families in Society Vol. 84 (2003)
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