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Unpublished Paper
What’s the force that moves the hand that pushes the button?
Campbell's Commentaries (2016)
  • Edward H Campbell
All contemporary nuclear warfare strategies are strategies based on deterrence.  They are formulated to oppose a state actor which also possesses nuclear weapons. The Islamic State however is not vulnerable to strategies based on deterrence, therefore the United States can only resort to a "win-the-war" strategy. Seeing that the Islamic State seeks a nuclear weapon or other dangerous weapon of mass destruction, at what point will America be forced to use the bomb? What’s the force that moves the hand that pushes the button? Rhetoric wins every time.
  • Islamic State,
  • Middle East,
  • Foreign Policy,
  • Islam
Publication Date
Winter February 4, 2016
Citation Information
Edward H Campbell. "What’s the force that moves the hand that pushes the button?" Campbell's Commentaries (2016)
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