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First Step Toward True Post-Sept. 11 World Is That America Must Unite
  • Dustin Berna, Nova Southeastern University
Department of Conflict Resolution Studies
Publication Date


Ten years ago today, al-Qaida became a permanent and unwanted fixture in our lives.

On Sept. 11, 2001, its network orchestrated the greatest act of terrorism ever executed against the United States. A decade later, many of us have been negatively impacted by the presence of Islamic extremism and we are reminded of it on a daily basis.

Specifically, we are still engaged in three global conflicts: the wars on terrorism, Afghanistan, and the Iraqi civil war — U.S. servicemen and women continue fighting and dying in order to stop the spread of extremism and hatred with which al-Qaida is synonymous. We are still financially burdened with the cost of these three global conflicts and they are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year. That is money that could be spent on our own educational, infrastructural, and technological needs, not to mention paying off the national debt.

Citation Information
Dustin Berna. "First Step Toward True Post-Sept. 11 World Is That America Must Unite" Sun-Sentinel (2011)
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