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Theory of compositional and magnetic correlations in alloys: Interpretation of a diffuse neutron-scattering experiment on an iron-vanadium single crystal
Physical Review Letters (1990)
  • J. B. Staunton, University of Warwick
  • Duane D. Johnson, Sandia National Laboratories
  • F. J. Pinski, University of Cincinnati
We describe a first-principles theory for compositional and magnetic correlations in alloys and compare the results of the theory with recent diffuse, unpolarized, neutron-scattering measurements on a single crystal of ferromagnetic Fe0.865V0.135. The nuclear cross section is described very well by the theory and we are able to connect the q-dependent structure to the underlying electronic structure of the alloy. The magnetocompositional and magnetic correlations also may be obtained for comparison to polarized measurements.
Publication Date
September 3, 1990
Publisher Statement
Copyright 1990 American Physical Society
Citation Information
J. B. Staunton, Duane D. Johnson and F. J. Pinski. "Theory of compositional and magnetic correlations in alloys: Interpretation of a diffuse neutron-scattering experiment on an iron-vanadium single crystal" Physical Review Letters Vol. 65 Iss. 10 (1990)
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