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Elbert Clayton (COM ’08) – First Stage Leverage, Inc.
  • DePaul University, DePaul University

Elbert has started, purchased, and run numerous ventures, most recently BarVision, a software company that helps bars and restaurants manage and prevent losses from liquor pouring by bartenders. Besides BarVision, Elbert is currently operating three additional ventures, employing a total of 11 people full-time. From 2005 to 2008, Elbert received coaching and counseling from the Coleman Center, some of which led to a semi-final placing in a national business plan competition. He has raised $40,000 in capital and recently sold one of his businesses for over $300,000, which he reinvested in a new venture.

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Citation Information
DePaul University. "Elbert Clayton (COM ’08) – First Stage Leverage, Inc." (2008)
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