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Unpublished Paper
Supply Chain Sustainability: The Bio-Fuels Market
Supply Chain Management (2015)
  • Chris D. Bellamy, Liberty University
Research into biofuel technology and innovative supply chain practices are helping to resolve sustainability problems in supply logistics and mass transportation. Biofuels provide a viable alternative to the use of fossil fuels and can be produced and replenished because the fuel is from plants and plant derived materials. Applications in aerospace, automotive, and electrical power production are the prime targets of biofuels development; the fuels have applications in many industries around the world. Global supply chain practices provide sustainable development of bio fuels storage, transportation, agriculture, and other industries. All of these industries require partnerships between unlikely stakeholders such as aircraft jet engine manufacturers, farmers, and refiners, the fuel wholesalers. New business models and collaborative efforts create supply chain support for sustainable biofuel development, infrastructure, and pathways to make biofuels practical and affordable for everyday use. As the biofuels industry grows and matures, new technology and business practices coupled with regulation will emerge. It will become increasingly important to measure integration of supply chain methodologies as biofuels become popular and as they replace current fossil fuels infrastructure. Additionally, current oil refiners must change their drilling and harvesting of fossil fuels and transfer infrastructure over to creation and refining of biofuels for a sustainable future. This activity can be measured through the balanced scorecard methodology and will be necessary as biofuels help create a sustainable future in global transportation and other industries.
  • Supply Chain,
  • Innovation,
  • Sustainability,
  • Biofuels,
  • Market,
  • Management
Publication Date
Summer June 15, 2015
The author retains the copyright for this working research paper. No part of this paper can be reproduced without written permission from the author Dr. Chris D. Bellamy.
Citation Information
Chris D. Bellamy. "Supply Chain Sustainability: The Bio-Fuels Market" Supply Chain Management (2015)
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