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Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Integration Through Advanced Power Electronics
HLAP (2014)
  • Dr. Adel A. Elbaset, Minia University
As electricity demands are increasing day by day causing unbalance in the present grid system which results in various causes like load shedding, unbalance voltage and power quality etc which ultimately affects the consumers. Now to avoid all such situations the only option is to meet the demand by increasing generation but, we are also lagging with the conventional sources so generating more power is also not convenient by conventional ways. Therefore, recent researches are interested in renewable energy system integrated with smart grid through advanced power electronic converters. Smart gird with renewable energy sources have been regarded as the most promising means to solve the power quality, energy and environmental issues we face nowadays. This is an introductory presentation on smart grid technologies, smart grid development status in Japan, and renewable energy integration with smart grid through advanced power electronics circuits. Presentation will begin with a brief survey on the smart electric power grid, modeling and control for smart grid integration of PV/Wind hybrid energy system and Finally an overview of the enabling technologies in control and advanced power electronics circuits to simplify the integration of renewable energy into smart grids. The main objective of the presentation is to facilitate exploring research opportunities. The intended audience includes Engineers, graduate students, students, researchers besides Professors.
  • Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Integration Advanced Power Electronics
Publication Date
Summer April 24, 2014
Citation Information
Dr. Adel A. Elbaset. "Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Integration Through Advanced Power Electronics" HLAP (2014)
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