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Attendance control techniques: Union vs. non-union differences in the Southeast United States
Appalachian Business Review (1982)
  • S E Markham
  • Dow Scott, Loyola University Chicago
This research examines both the rate of absenteeism and the attendance control methods found in a sample of 423 union and non-union organizations located in the Southeast United States. These data indicate that absenteeism rates for union and non-union organizations are not significantly different. Methods of controlling absenteeism are reported for both union and non-union facilities. Implications for the control of absenteeism are discussed.
Publication Date
Citation Information
S E Markham and Dow Scott. "Attendance control techniques: Union vs. non-union differences in the Southeast United States" Appalachian Business Review Vol. 9 Iss. 2 (1982)
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