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Forgiveness and recidivism
Pastoral Psychology (1984)
  • Doris Donnelly, John Carroll University

The teaching of Jesus on limitless forgiveness is a difficult one with which to reckon, especially when an offense is repeated again and again (recidivism}, sometimes by the same offender. This article finds in the gospel of Matthew (Matt. 18:15-17} and Paul's letters to the Corinthians (I Cor 5:2-11 and II Cor 2:5-8} a model of forgiveness that is assertive, confrontative and direct in style, pastoral in application and reconciling in spirit.

Publication Date
Fall 1984
Publisher Statement
Published as Donnelly, Doris. "Forgiveness and recividism" Pastoral Psychology 33 (1984): 15-24. The final publication is available at DOI: 10.1007/BF01042139
Citation Information
Doris Donnelly. "Forgiveness and recidivism" Pastoral Psychology Vol. 33 Iss. 1 (1984)
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