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Hiding in Plain Sight: A Practical Guide to Identifying Victims of Trafficking in the U.S.
  • Donna M. Hughes, Dr., University of Rhode Island

This practical guide focuses on identifying victims of sexual trafficking, meaning they have been trafficked for commercial sex acts, such as prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, such as stripping, lap dancing, or production of pornography. Although there are commonalities between victims of sexual and labor trafficking, there are sufficient differences to require separate focus. Therefore, this guide does not describe ways to identify victims who have been trafficked for forced labor, such as domestic servants and sweat shop or migrant farm workers.

  • human trafficking,
  • sex trafficking,
  • victims,
  • identification
Publication Date
October, 2003
Citation Information
Donna M. Hughes. "Hiding in Plain Sight: A Practical Guide to Identifying Victims of Trafficking in the U.S." (2003)
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