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Applied Motivational Interviewing for Client-Centered Practice in Geriatric Care.
Schulich School of Medicine, St Joseph's Health Care London/Paper presented at the 27th Annual Geriatric Medicine Refresher Day Conference (2013)
  • Don Morrow
  • Jennifer D Irwin, Western University

This presentation will be an interactive, experiential and practical session devoted to ‘hands on’ motivational interview skills. Participants will learn such applied skills as using powerful questions, listening more acutely, moving status talk to change talk and rolling with patient resistance to facilitate behaviour change. You will learn how to use MI skills specifically applied to older adults

Publication Date
May 1, 2013
Citation Information
Don Morrow and Jennifer D Irwin. "Applied Motivational Interviewing for Client-Centered Practice in Geriatric Care." Schulich School of Medicine, St Joseph's Health Care London/Paper presented at the 27th Annual Geriatric Medicine Refresher Day Conference (2013)
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