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On Dialogue Studies
Journal of Dialogue Studies (2013)
  • Donal Carbaugh, University of Massachusetts Amherst

The study of dialogue is a way to open several intellectual arenas for investigation while at the same time offering insights into multiple scenes of practical yet culturally diverse human practices. This article reviews several such arenas including studies of dialogue as a culturally distinctive form of communication, dialogue as an approach to understanding social practices, dialogic ethics, as well as dialogue as an integrative view of not only cultural practice but also natural environments. Throughout, dialogue studies are cast as a broad field with distinct disciplines within it, as holding deep value for understanding diversity in peoples’ practices, as a potential aid in helping diverse peoples coordinate their efforts together through policies, government actions, and other institutions, and as a way of monitoring not only interactions among people but also their ecological environments. In the end, the promise of dialogue studies must proceed cautiously and humbly with the assumption that human endeavors are always limited to particular peoples and places. And move onward we will, dialogically informed.

  • Dialogue Studies,
  • Cultural Discourse,
  • Intercultural Dialogue,
  • Ethnography of Communication
Publication Date
Citation Information
Donal Carbaugh. "On Dialogue Studies" Journal of Dialogue Studies Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (2013)
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