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Cultural discourse of dwelling: Environmental comunication as a place-based practice
Environmental Communication: The Journal of Nature and Culture (2013)
  • Donal Carbaugh, University of Massachusetts Amherst

In this essay we contribute a response to intellectual and practical problems by using and developing a perspective on environmental communication that is reflexively grounded in place and that explores human relations with nature, while embracing cultural and linguistic variability in these processes. Our goals are to introduce a way to think through communication to places, and further to link that understanding to issues of engaged environmental action, to deeply seated notions of identity, and to the affective dimension of belonging that place-based communication often brings with it. Our way of doing this is to theorize and study cultural discourses of dwelling, which we explicate theoretically, then further illustrate by analyzing the discourse of adult-onset hunters. Our discussion concludes by exploring not only environmental speaking, but listening environmentally.

  • Cultural Discourse,
  • Dwelling,
  • Ethnography of Communication,
  • Place,
  • Hunting,
  • Food
Publication Date
Citation Information
Donal Carbaugh. "Cultural discourse of dwelling: Environmental comunication as a place-based practice" Environmental Communication: The Journal of Nature and Culture Vol. 7 Iss. 1 (2013)
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