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Effect of Moringa Leaves Powder Consumption on Young Children Nutritional and Serum Retinol Status in Burkina Faso Rural Area
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences (2018)
  • Urbain ZONGO, université ouaga
  • Boubacar SAVADOGO, Institute for Health Sciences Research, National Center for Sciences and Technology Research, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Steve Leonce ZOUNGRANA
  • Savadogo Aly Aly, Centre de Recherche en Science Biologique, Alimentaire et Nutritionnelles (CRSBAN), Université de Ouagadougou 03 BP 7131, OUAGADOUGOU 3, Burkina Faso.
  • Dia SANOU
  • Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.
  • Alfred S. TRAORE, Université de Ouagadougou
The promotion of the consumption of indigenous plant species with high nutritional value is an important
nutrition intervention in Africa rural areas. The current student was a randomized control trial of two groups (ᶲG₥ and ᶲGm) with a baseline and an endline evaluation after 12 weeks. A total of 119 pre-school children received Moringa leaf powder and changes in vitamin A and anthropometric indicators of children were assessed against changes for control group children. After 12 weeks, the mean WHZ reflecting acute malnutrition declined in both groups. The mean WHZ decreased from -2.31 z-score to -1.86 z-score in group 1 (ᶲG₥) and -2.20 z-score to -1.88 z-score in group 2 (ᶲGm) receiving Moringa as a dietary supplement with a statistically significant decrease in groups (p <0.001). The mean serum retinol concentration in children was below the cut-off defining VA deficiency (<0.7 μmol.L-1). The baseline prevalence of VA deficiency was 56.8% in group 1 and 53.8% in group 2. Mean retinol concentrations increased significantly from 0.64 μmol.L-1 to 0.73 μmol.L-1 (p <0.001) in Group
1 (ᶲG₥ (Control) and from 0.64 μmol.L-1 to 0.74 ± 0.05 μmol.L-1 (p <0.001) in group 2 (ᶲGm). Significant increase was observed regardless of gender in both groups. The change between groups was not statistically significant (p=0.838). Our findings showed that the intervention was not effective enough in the change in serum retinol status in children (p = 0.379). The change in serum retinol was significantly influenced by serum retinol concentration at baseline. Therefore, the promotion of Moringa leaf consumption should be complemented by additional approaches to increase VA intake, as well as through public health measures such as deworming programs, to enhance its effectiveness in the fight against VA deficiencies and many other micronutrients.
  • Nutritional Status,
  • Serum Retinol,
  • Moringa Oleifera,
  • Dietary Diversification
Publication Date
Fall August 29, 2018
Citation Information
Urbain ZONGO, Boubacar SAVADOGO, Steve Leonce ZOUNGRANA, Savadogo Aly Aly, et al.. "Effect of Moringa Leaves Powder Consumption on Young Children Nutritional and Serum Retinol Status in Burkina Faso Rural Area" International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences Vol. 7 Iss. 4 (2018) p. 148 - 154 ISSN: 2327-2694 (Prin), 2327-2716 (Online)
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