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Assessing children's multiplicative thinking
Opening up mathematics education research, Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
  • Chris Hurst
  • Derek Hurrell, University of Notre Dame Australia
Publication Date

Multiplicative thinking is a 'big idea' of mathematics that underpins much of the mathematics learned beyond the early primary school years. This paper reports on a current study that utilises an interview tool and a written quiz to gather data about children's multiplicative thinking. The development of the tools and some of the research findings are described here. Findings suggest that middle and upper primary aged children often have a procedural level of understanding of aspects of multiplicative thinking and that various aspects of multiplicative thinking are partially known, and known in different ways by different children.

Citation Information
Chris Hurst and Derek Hurrell. "Assessing children's multiplicative thinking" Opening up mathematics education research, Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (2016)
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