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Relationship Among Adverse Childhood Experiences, History of Active Military Service, and Adult Outcomes: Homelessness, Mental Health and Physical Health
American Journal of Public Health (2013)
  • Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, University of Pennsylvania
  • J J Cutuli, University of Pennsylvania
  • Michelle Evans-Chase, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dan Treglia, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dennis P Culhane, University of Pennsylvania
Objectives. We determined whether a report of adverse childhood experiences predicts adult outcomes related to homelessness, mental health, and physical health and whether participation in active military service influences the relationship between childhood and adult adversity.
Methods. Using data from the 2010 Washington State Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, we tested by means of logistic regression the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and 3 adult outcomes—homelessness, mental health, and physical health—as well as differences among those with a history of active military service.
Results. Adverse childhood experiences separately predicted increased odds of experiencing homelessness as an adult and mental health and physical health problems. Childhood adversity increased the likelihood of adult homelessness and poor physical health among individuals with no history of active military service and the likelihood of mental health problems among individuals with a history of active military service.
Conclusions. The relationship between childhood adversity and adult adversity changes in degree when history of active military service is controlled, which has implications for Armed Forces recruitment strategies and postmilitary service risk assessment.
  • Homelessness,
  • Adverse Child Events
Publication Date
December, 2013
Citation Information
Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, J J Cutuli, Michelle Evans-Chase, Dan Treglia, et al.. "Relationship Among Adverse Childhood Experiences, History of Active Military Service, and Adult Outcomes: Homelessness, Mental Health and Physical Health" American Journal of Public Health Vol. 103 Iss. S2 (2013)
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