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Freshwater Fungal Infections
Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews
  • Dennis J Baumgardner, Aurora UW Medical Group, Aurora Health Care
Publication Date
  • mycoses; freshwater; eye infections,
  • fungal; keratitis; otitis externa

Fungal infections as a result of freshwater exposure or trauma are fortunately rare. Etiologic agents are varied, but commonly include filamentous fungi and Candida. This narrative review describes various sources of potential freshwater fungal exposure and the diseases that may result, including fungal keratitis, acute otitis externa and tinea pedis, as well as rare deep soft tissue or bone infections and pulmonary or central nervous system infections following traumatic freshwater exposure during natural disasters or near-drowning episodes. Fungal etiology should be suspected in appropriate scenarios when bacterial cultures or molecular tests are normal or when the infection worsens or fails to resolve with appropriate antibacterial therapy.

Citation Information

Baumgardner DJ. Freshwater fungal infections. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2017;4:32-8. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1262