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Unpublished Paper
Consumer Protection Initiatives in the EU Mortgage Market: A Behavioral Economics Based Critique and Proposal
ExpressO (2010)
  • Debra P. Stark
  • Jessica M. Choplin
This article critiques the Commission of the European Union's recent consumer protection initiatives for the EU mortgage market focusing on the revised form of disclosures that the Commission appears poised to mandate in a Directive, providing suggested reforms to this form to make it more effective and proposing four additional consumer protections to empower EU consumers to make wise home loan decisions. The article argues that these additional consumer protections are a necessary condtion to creating the integrated EU mortgage market (with more cross border home loans) that the Commission desires.
Publication Date
August 19, 2010
Citation Information
Debra P. Stark and Jessica M. Choplin. "Consumer Protection Initiatives in the EU Mortgage Market: A Behavioral Economics Based Critique and Proposal" ExpressO (2010)
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