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Campus Open Access Funds: Experiences of the KU “One University” Open Access Author Fund
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (2015)
  • Rachel Gyore, University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Allison C Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C.
  • Crystal Cameron-Vedros, University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Deborah Ludwig, Fort Hays State University
  • Ada Emmett, University of Kansas Main Campus
INTRODUCTION: In the summer of 2012, librarians from the Lawrence and Kansas City campuses of the University of Kansas (KU) proposed the creation of a KU “One University” Open Access Fund (OA Author Fund) to support open access publishing for its faculty, students, and staff. KU is a major public research and teaching institution of 28,000 students and 2,600 faculty on five campuses (Lawrence, Kansas City, Overland Park, Wichita, and Salina) (, and has been a leader in open access initiatives for many years. A working group of librarians came together to create and implement a pilot project to explore the administration and impact of an open access publishing fund on KU authors, and the fund was launched in October 2012.

DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This report documents the group’s experience in developing eligibility criteria and administering the OA Fund. Here we provide insight into our efforts implementing the project, funding results, and plans for continuation. We share the results of the first two years of the OA Author Fund pilot and the lessons learned about open access fund administration.

NEXT STEPS: At the close of the pilot in May 2014, the OA fund review team solicited feedback from a faculty advisory group regarding grant recipients, allocation of funds by discipline, and the application process. Based on our findings, we revised eligibility criteria to create a more equitable funding opportunity for the second pilot. The fund was re-launched using these new criteria in Fall of 2014.
  • open access; institutional repository; scholarly publishing; article processing fees;
Publication Date
September 22, 2015
Publisher Statement
Heeding Benjamin Franklin’s prescient proposal for “promoting useful knowledge,” the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication seeks to share useful innovations, both in thought and in practice, with the aim of encouraging scholarly exchange and the subsequent benefits that are borne of scrutiny, experimentation and debate. As modes of scholarly communication, the technologies and economics of publishing, and the roles of libraries evolve, it is our hope that the work shared in this journal will inform practices that strengthen librarianship and that increase access to the “common Stock of Knowledge.”

JLSC is particularly interested in the intersection of librarianship and publishing, and the resulting roles for libraries in both content dissemination and content creation. Related areas of interest include: new methods for the creation, dissemination and exchange of information; the theory and practice of the organization, use and curation of information; and issues related to the review, credentialing, reputation and impact of scholarly work.
Citation Information
Rachel Gyore, Allison C Reeve, Crystal Cameron-Vedros, Deborah Ludwig, et al.. "Campus Open Access Funds: Experiences of the KU “One University” Open Access Author Fund" Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 1 - 27 ISSN: 2162-3309
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