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A Grass-Roots Approach to Develop a Hispanic Wellness Curriculum in Rural Idaho
National Rural Health Association Conference (2008)
  • Dawn Weiler, Boise State University
The Idaho Partnership for Hispanic Health (IPHH) is a community-based participatory research project focused on identifying the health condition of greatest concern to SW Idaho Hispanics and pilot testing an intervention and its effectiveness. The partnership includes two educational institutions, two Hispanic organizations, and a community non-profit organization. Following the completion of the first two phases of the project (community partnership and community advisory board (CAB) development, and quantitative and qualitative community assessment) the IPHH implemented phase three, intervention development and testing.
Publication Date
October, 2008
Citation Information
Dawn Weiler. "A Grass-Roots Approach to Develop a Hispanic Wellness Curriculum in Rural Idaho" National Rural Health Association Conference (2008)
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