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Unpublished Paper
The First Crusade, Was It Christian?
  • David C Taylor, Jr, Liberty University

On February 5th, 2015, President Barack Obama addressed the audience at the National Prayer Breakfast. During this breakfast he made comments about the Islamic State and the Crusades that sent waves throughout the religious world. In his speech, he claimed that just like the Islamic State is doing things, terrible things, in the name of Islam, we should remember that terrible things were done in the name of Christ during the Crusades. While it did not sit well with members of the church, the question must be asked. Was he right? This paper will examine the First Crusade, its cause, formation, execution, and conclusion. The conclusion will be the answer to the question, does this fit a Christian worldview?

  • Catholic,
  • Islam,
  • Christianity,
  • The Crusades,
  • Ethics
Publication Date
Spring March 2, 2015
Citation Information
David C Taylor. "The First Crusade, Was It Christian?" (2015)
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