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Quality assurance in higher education in developing countries
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
  • David Lim, Griffith University
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
  • Higher education,
  • Quality,
  • Developing countries

In recent years universities in developing countries have followed their counterparts in developed countries in adopting quality assurance to improve the quality of their teaching, research and direct community service programmes. While many of the conditions required for the successful implementation of quality assurance programmes are not present in most universities in developing countries, their adoption will still be useful. Such programmes show how a university's seemingly disparate activities are related to one another to serve a common cause and how the quality of these can best be improved by adopting an integrated approach. In the process, they provide more focus and direction to the work of the traditional academic committee system. However, the quality assurance programmes must be modified to suit the conditions prevailing in developing countries, by being simple in design, modest in expectations, and realistic in requirements.

Citation Information
David Lim. "Quality assurance in higher education in developing countries" Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Vol. 24 Iss. 4 (1999) p. 379 - 390 ISSN: 0260-2938
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