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Audio convolution by the mean of GPU: CUDA and OpenCL implementations
Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering Faculty Research
  • Davide Andrea Mauro, Marshall University
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This paper focuses on the use of GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) for audio processing. This is a promising approach to problems where a high parallelization of tasks is desirable. Within the context of binaural spatialization we will develop a convolution engine having in mind both offline and real-time scenarios, and the support for multiple sound sources. Details on implementations and strategies used with both dominant technologies, namely CUDA and OpenCL, will be presented highlighting both advantages and issues. Comparisons between this approach and typical CPU implementations will be presented as well as between frequency (FFT) and time-domain approaches. Results will show that benefits exist in terms of execution time for a number of situations.


The copy of record is open access and is available from the publisher at Copyright © Société Franҫaise d’Acoustique and the Institute Of Acoustics. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Citation Information
Mauro D.A. Audio convolution by the mean of GPU: CUDA and OpenCL implementations. Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, 23-27 April 2012, Nantes, France: pp.2863-2868, 2012.