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Cybernetics, cyberpedagogy & post-industrial society
Teaching Education (1999)
  • David S. Shutkin, John Carroll University

The writer considers cybernetics, cyperpedagogy, and postindustrial society. Systemic endeavors to restructure schooling are seeing the reemergence of functionalist models of education systems. This “cybernetics” of education is informed by the rhetoric of a postindustrial society and casts the education of children as a rational feedback model of purpose, content, and input/output processes. Postindustrial society requires that schools supply individuals who can work productively in a range of state-sponsored corporate institutions. Therefore, education is reduced to instrumental and economic concerns and the student becomes a human resource. The writer reflects on pedagogic strategies that he has adopted in order to challenge this cybernetics model of education.

Publication Date
Spring 1999
Citation Information
David S. Shutkin. "Cybernetics, cyberpedagogy & post-industrial society" Teaching Education Vol. 10 Iss. 2 (1999)
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