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A Comparison of Home Ranges of Two Species of Peromyscus Using Trapping and Radiotelemetry Data
Journal of Mammalogy
  • David O Ribble, Trinity University
  • A E Wurtz
  • E K McConnell
  • J J Buegge
  • K C Welch, Jr
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We investigated differences between sizes of home ranges using trapping and radiotelemetry data for syntopic Peromyscus boylii and P. truei. Sizes of home ranges were calculated from the minimum convex polygon of trap locations and radiotelemetry locations and compared between individuals. The 2 estimates of home-range size were significantly correlated, although on an average trapping home ranges were significantly smaller than sizes of radiotelemetry home ranges. Home-range sizes from radiotelemetry were inversely correlated with conspecific density, but home-range sizes from trapping were not. Thus, at low density, radiotelemetry home ranges were significantly larger than trapping home ranges, but at high density there was no difference between radiotelemetry and trapping home ranges. These results indicate that radiotelemetry results in larger estimates of home-range size, particularly at lower densities of conspecifics. The largest size estimates of home ranges were from a combination of radiotelemetry and trapping data.

Oxford University Press
Citation Information
Ribble, D. O., Wurtz, A. E., McConnell, E. K., Buegge, J. J., & Welch, K. C., Jr. (2002). A comparison of home ranges of two species of Peromyscus using trapping and radiotelemetry data. Journal of Mammalogy, 83(1), 260-266.<0260:ACOHRO>2.0.CO;2