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Co-generation of text and graphics
Proceedings of SIGDOC 2005 (2005)
  • David G. Novick, The University of Texas at El Paso
  • Brian Lowe, The University of Texas at El Paso
content in documentation, it is possible to produce both text and graphics from a single common source. One approach to co-generation of text and graphics uses a single logical specification; a second approach starts with CAD-based representation and produces a corresponding textual account. This paper explores these two different approaches, reports the results of using prototypes embodying the approaches to represent simple figures, and discusses issues that were identified through use of the prototypes. While it appears feasible to co-generate text and graphics automatically, the process raises deep issues of design of communications, including the intent of the producer of the documentation.
  • documentation,
  • single source,
  • aviation
Publication Date
September, 2005
Citation Information
David G. Novick and Brian Lowe. "Co-generation of text and graphics" Proceedings of SIGDOC 2005 (2005)
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