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Automated Detection of Likely Design Flaws in Layered Architectures
SEKE 2011: 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Miami Beach, 7-9 July 2011: Proceedings
  • Aditya BUDI, Singapore Management University
  • - Lucia, Singapore Management University
  • David LO, Singapore Management University
  • Lingxiao JIANG, Singapore Management University
  • Shaowei WANG, Singapore Management University
Publication Type
Conference Proceeding Article
Publication Date

Layered architecture prescribes a good principle for separating concerns to make systems more maintainable. One example of such layered architectures is the separation of classes into three groups: Boundary, Control, and Entity, which are referred to as the three analysis class stereotypes in UML. Classes of different stereotypes are interacting with one another, when properly designed, the overall interaction would be maintainable, flexible, and robust. On the other hand, poor design would result in less maintainable system that is prone to errors. In many software projects, the stereotypes of classes are often missing, thus detection of design flaws becomes non-trivial. In this paper, we provide a framework that automatically labels classes as Boundary, Control, or Entity, and detects design flaws of the rules associated with each stereotype. Our evaluation with programs developed by both novice and expert developers show that our technique is able to detect many design flaws accurately.

  • Automated detection,
  • Layered architecture,
  • Non-trivial,
  • Software project
Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School
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Skokie, IL
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
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Citation Information
Aditya BUDI, - Lucia, David LO, Lingxiao JIANG, et al.. "Automated Detection of Likely Design Flaws in Layered Architectures" SEKE 2011: 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Miami Beach, 7-9 July 2011: Proceedings (2011) p. 613 - 618
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