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Electric dipole moment of a BPS monopole
Physics Review D
  • David Kastor, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Euy Na, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Publication Date

Monopole “superpartner” solutions are constructed by acting with finite, broken supersymmetry transformations on a bosonic N=2 BPS monopole. The terms beyond first order in this construction represent the back reaction of the fermionic zero-mode state on the other fields. Because of the quantum nature of the fermionic zero modes, the superpartner solution is necessarily operator valued. We extract the electric dipole moment operator and show that it is proportional to the fermion zero-mode angular momentum operator with a gyroelectric ratio g=2. The magnetic quadrupole operator is shown to vanish identically on all states. We comment on the usefulness of the monopole superpartner solution for a study of the long-range spin-dependent dynamics of BPS monopoles.

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Citation Information
David Kastor and Euy Na. "Electric dipole moment of a BPS monopole" Physics Review D Vol. 60 Iss. 2 (1999)
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