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Estimation of second order phase transition temperature of the orthorhombic phase of Gd5(SixGe1−x)4 using Arrott plots
Journal of Applied Physics (2008)
  • Ravi L. Hadimani, Cardiff University
  • Y. Melikhov, Cardiff University
  • J. E. Snyder, Cardiff University
  • David C. Jiles, Cardiff University
Gd5(SixGe1−x)4 for 0.41⩽x⩽0.5 is orthorhombic and ferromagnetic at lower temperature, monoclinic and paramagnetic at higher temperature, and shows a first order magnetic-structural phase transition between the two. Magnetic moment versus magnetic field (MH) isotherms were measured just above the first order transitiontemperature for Gd5Si1.95Ge2.05 and Gd5Si2Ge2 samples and the field-induced coupled phase transition from paramagnetic/monoclinic to ferromagnetic/orthorhombic phase was observed. Using the method developed by Arrott [Phys. Rev.108, 1394 (1957)], the ferromagnetic portions of the MH isotherms were used to project the second order magnetic phase transitiontemperature of the orthorhombic phase, a region where the transition does not occur due to the first order transition at a lower temperature. These data points fall on the extrapolated line of the second order phase transition, drawn from the Si-rich region of the phase diagram.
  • Magnetic phase transitions,
  • Phase transitions,
  • Germanium,
  • Curie point,
  • Ferromagnetism
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Publisher Statement
Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics and may be found at
Citation Information
Ravi L. Hadimani, Y. Melikhov, J. E. Snyder and David C. Jiles. "Estimation of second order phase transition temperature of the orthorhombic phase of Gd5(SixGe1−x)4 using Arrott plots" Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 103 Iss. 3 (2008)
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