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'Congress, Time, and Elections,' at panel on American Institutions and Elections, at 50th annivesary celebration of ISPS
Yale ISPS, 50th Anniversary Celebration (2018)
  • David R Mayhew
Part I: Do parties holding the White House at the time of an election win a majority of House seats in that election?

Part II: If a party wins a majority of seats in a U.S. House midterm election, what does that say about that party’s likely success in the national election two years later?

Part III: Which parties have controlled the redistricting of U.S. House seats?
  • Political Science,
  • Congress,
  • Elections
Publication Date
December 14, 2018
Citation Information
David R Mayhew. "'Congress, Time, and Elections,' at panel on American Institutions and Elections, at 50th annivesary celebration of ISPS" Yale ISPS, 50th Anniversary Celebration (2018)
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