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Spotlight on Gaslighting: A Behavior Analysis of Unethical Behavior
Operants (2018)
  • Darlene Crone-Todd, Salem State University
One term we hear more in our present society is “gaslighting”. This is a popular culture term related to the issue of power and control. The term was made popular by the 1944 movie, “Gaslight”. (Spoiler alert!) In this movie, Charles Boyer plays a scheming love interest to Ingrid Bergman. He originally killed her aunt for her jewels, but was unable to locate them after the murder. He gets away, but takes a long view to eventually obtain them. As part of his scheme, he systematically tracks Bergman’s character down, romances her into marriage, and then begins a campaign to make her believe she is insane. While engaging in this atrocious behavior, he continues to search for the jewels throughout the house. 
Publication Date
Fall 2018
Citation Information
Darlene Crone-Todd. "Spotlight on Gaslighting: A Behavior Analysis of Unethical Behavior" Operants Iss. 4 (2018) p. 30 - 30
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