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Unpublished Paper
Obama vs. Bush on Steroids: Two Different Approaches to a Pseudo-Controversy—Or is It Really Worthy of Note in a State of the Union Address?
ExpressO (2010)
  • Danyahel Norris
Since Sports has such a unique impact on American life, it is appropriate to use sports as a gauge to ascertain the effectiveness of each presidential administration...The Bush administration used sports as a means to punish “offenders,” while at the same time, using the specter of steroid abuse as a means to de-emphasize the real turmoil in Iraq. The Obama administration, on the other hand, has used sports as a metaphor to educate and, also as a bully-pulpit to reinforce “good” values.
  • steroids,
  • state of the union,
  • red herring,
  • bush,
  • obama
Publication Date
September 27, 2010
Citation Information
Danyahel Norris. "Obama vs. Bush on Steroids: Two Different Approaches to a Pseudo-Controversy—Or is It Really Worthy of Note in a State of the Union Address?" ExpressO (2010)
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