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Nostalgia for the Liberal Hour: Talkin' 'bout the horizons of Norman Jewison's Generation
Canadian Journal of Film Studies (2012)
  • Daniel McNeil, Queen's University
Throughout his career as a filmmaker Norman Jewison has confronted stereotypes that depict white liberals as hypocritical and insincere do-gooders. He has also seized and contested the position of victim against radicals on the left and right. This paper outlines some of the commonalities between the Canadian filmmaker and Robin Winks and Michael Banton, two prominent academics in the United States and the United Kingdom who also opposed the "unacceptable face of capitalism" and the “overly politicized” scholarship of radical intellectuals. My conclusion provides a counterpoint to the liberal humanism of Jewison, Winks and Banton by turning to the new humanism of Paul Gilroy and George Elliott Clarke, two postcolonial intellectuals who confront narrow and parochial work in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
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Citation Information
Daniel McNeil. "Nostalgia for the Liberal Hour: Talkin' 'bout the horizons of Norman Jewison's Generation" Canadian Journal of Film Studies Vol. 21 Iss. 2 (2012)
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