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The Hungry Games: Tackling Wicked Food Problems at Black River Public Schools through a New Experiential Project Term Course
Partnership Showcase (2015)
  • Danielle L Lake, Grand Valley State University
Join us in the fight against overly processed foods—may the odds be ever in your flavor! In the winter of 2014, a team of students from Lib 322 “Wicked Problems of Sustainability” identified the food system and its impact on children as a wicked problem, initiated a community partnership at Black River Public School, and posited the development of an interdisciplinary, experiential project term course then designed by students in Lib 342 “Food Matters.” This new Black River course, “The Hungry Games,” will be piloted this spring to engage middle school students in experiential learning in order to foster understanding and empower agency in response to our current food system.
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Citation Information
Danielle L Lake. "The Hungry Games: Tackling Wicked Food Problems at Black River Public Schools through a New Experiential Project Term Course" Partnership Showcase (2015)
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