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On the Clothes of a Millennium: The Architectonic Dress Designs of Zandra Rhodes
Elements of an Era: A Postmodern Interpretation of the Art of Zandra Rhodes (1998)
  • Daniel J. Naegele, University of Missouri

"In the beginning was cladding," wrote Viennese architect and critic Adolf Laos in 1898. "Man sought shelter from inclement weather and protection and warmth while he slept. He sought to cover himself. The covering is the oldest architectural detail." This covering was man's clothing. When it was enlarged to fit a frame far grander than his own, architecture was born. In Laos's words " ... the covering had to be put up somewhere if it was to afford enough shelter to a family! Thus the walls were added, which at the same time provided protection on all sides. In this way the idea of architecture developed in the minds of mankind and individual men."

Publication Date
Laurel Wilson
Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection, Department of Textile and Apparel Management, University of Missouri–Columbia
Publisher Statement
Copyright 1998, Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection, Department of Textile and Apparel Management, University of Missouri–Columbia
Citation Information
Daniel J. Naegele. "On the Clothes of a Millennium: The Architectonic Dress Designs of Zandra Rhodes" Columbia, MOElements of an Era: A Postmodern Interpretation of the Art of Zandra Rhodes (1998)
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